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Best Pregnancy Pillow: An Expert Buyers Guide to Maternity Pillows

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As your pregnancy progresses, you will notice that your belly will continue to expand (and if not, how lucky!) Many other mothers are jealous. Its new size will bring with it a new set of challenges, one of which is sleeping comfortably. A pregnancy pillow is just the product you need to get super comfortable sleep during pregnancy.


A pregnancy pillow is a great investment for anyone sharing a bed. If you can't sleep at night, your shakes and twists will also keep your partner awake. Trust me, your partner will probably like your new pregnancy pillow more than you do!


There is no longer any point in buying an old pillow for pregnancy. You have to find the one that suits your situation. By using this guide, you will be able to identify the best pillow for pregnancy and head to a good night's sleep.


Does the pregnancy pillow have a removable cover?


Guess what? Throughout your pregnancy, you will experience sweaty nights thanks to these furious pregnancy hormones. Unfortunately, this sweat will not only be absorbed by the sheets but also by the pregnancy pillow.


Due to their large size, pregnancy pillows are not easy to clean. A removable cover will allow you to easily wash your pregnancy pillow. The most popular pillow brands sell replacement covers separately so you can use your pillow at night while the washed cover is drying.


Buttoned or snap covers will quickly become boring. A zipper or simple sliding cover will make removal much easier.


What load is used in the pregnancy pillow?


Let's explore the different filler products that manufacturers use to keep your pregnancy pillow comfortable and supportive.

Styrofoam stuffed balls

Do you know these white balls that you find in a bean bag? These are polystyrene foam balls and are also commonly found in cheaper pregnancy pillows. The polystyrene padding allows the pillows to easily adapt to your body shape and be light. The downside is that they tend to make noise when you move around the pregnancy pillow.


Polyester fiber padding


The polyester fiber is soft and silent. The amount of polyester fiber used in a pregnancy pillow will determine firmness. Although polyester is a popular padding in pregnancy pillows, it does not breathe as well as other padding.


Filling of microspheres


Microbeads are incredibly thin balls about 1/32 of an inch wide (fairly small, huh?). Maternity pillows in microbeads give the impression of having sand inside. Unlike sand, microbeads are incredibly light; allowing you to easily carry your pregnancy pillow. The microbeads are almost silent and are much more resistant than standard polystyrene balls.


Memory foam padding


Memory foam pillows take the shape of your body when pressed. Once the weight of the pillow is lifted, the memory foam returns to its original shape. Pregnancy pillows that contain memory foam padding are generally quite firm. Since memory foam can generate heat, some manufacturers crush it before using it to fill pregnancy pillows. Crushed memory foam still allows air to circulate inside, which helps reduce that feeling of heat.

Natural and organic filling.


If you want to keep your pregnancy as natural as possible, you will certainly be looking for a suitable pregnancy pillow. Natural charges include:




Remember that the fact that a pregnancy pillow uses a natural filler does not necessarily make it organic.

Oh ... one more thing about the pillow filling:


Depending on the material inside the pillow; Your pregnancy pillow may have a "new" smell. If this is the case, simply air the pillow out for a few days before using it and most of the odors should go away.


How noisy is the pregnancy pillow?


This was touched on in the filling section above. Some fillings and covers are noisier than others. When I refer to the noise I mean the sound your pillow makes as you move your head and body over it. You don’t want a pillow that crinkles and rustles so loudly that it will wake you in the middle of the night.


Pay attention to the filling and fabric of the pillow and avoid any that are overly loud when you place your head to them.


Is the pregnancy pillow hypoallergenic?


The changes your body goes through during pregnancy can actually make you more sensitive to fibers and materials that previously had no effect on you. Isn’t pregnancy wonderful? ** Rolls eyes **

A hypoallergenic pregnancy pillow will allow you to sleep at night without triggering allergies. If you had breathing complications, asthma or allergy sensitivities prior to pregnancy then a hypoallergenic pillow is definitely a must.


How big is the maternity pillow?


Before you jump in and buy that pregnancy pillow it is important that you consider its size. If the pillow is too big then your partner will definitely be sleeping on the couch.


Take into consideration the size of the pregnancy pillow vs. the size of your bed. The larger your bed, the bigger the pregnancy pillow you can fit between you and your partner.


Size also comes down to personal preference. Some women enjoy literally swimming in their pregnancy pillow. Others prefer it smaller. Take your preference into consideration when choosing a pregnancy pillow.


Soft vs. firm pregnancy pillows

A lot of people have a love for soft pillows. When choosing a pregnancy pillow it is best that this affection is put to the side. A firmer pregnancy pillow will provide more support than a softer one. While a firm pregnancy pillow may seem uncomfortable at first, you will quickly get used to it.


What parts of you hurt when you wake up?


When you wake up, pay attention to your aches and pains. In particular, the areas in which these pains are coming from.


If unsupported, the following parts of your body may become stiff or sore overnight:








Now for the tricky part. You need to determine whether your aches and pains are from not being properly supported through the night or from some other non-sleep related issue (poor posture, improper lifting technique, etc.). If you have lower back and knee pain for instance, it may be that you need a good pair of shoes for pregnancy instead.


If the soreness definitely arises from sleeping then you will want to look for a pregnancy pillow that supports these aching body parts in particular.

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